Lies en Rol in Flinders Range land - Reisverslag uit Hawker, Australië van Rolinda Stienstra - Lies en Rol in Flinders Range land - Reisverslag uit Hawker, Australië van Rolinda Stienstra -

Lies en Rol in Flinders Range land

Door: Rolinda Stienstra

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Rolinda

29 Mei 2015 | Australië, Hawker

Once upon a time Lies and Rol went to Mount Little in Flinders Range land. It was monday morning (18th of May) 6:30 a.m. when their alarm rang. The day before they just finished their last day of farm work in Yorketown and had said everyone goodbye. They only had to pack the car a bit before they could head out to Yorketown and Edithburg. At 8:30 a.m. they arrived in Yorketown to say a quick last goodbye to Joanne and the kids and then drove to Editburgh to meet Bryan (Joanne's kids karate teacher) and Barry, the men who asked them to join in on their camping trip of chasing and shooting rabbits and goats. Ofcourse Lies and Rol couldn't reject this offer so this made them do their first roadtrip baby steps in this direction.

Bryan was a little bit late and so Barry offered us a cup of coffee. Barry told us he doesn't drink coffee himself and struggled to find the right coffee structure. Rol did a sip of her coffee and considered Barry could have given them a cup of pure coffee. She looked at Lisa who was stirring her coffee dissapointly. As Barry walked out of the kitchen they met eachothers eyes, started laughing and decided to throw it away quickly in the sink. In the meantime Bryan had arrived so Lies and Rol walked down to their car to head off to Port Wakefield. In Port Wakefield they left their car behind in a secured parking lot and loaded the camper van with stuff they needed for the 4 days ahead of them.

Day 1
The drive from Port Wakefield to Mount Little took 4 hours. About 4:30 p.m. they arrived and set up everything for sunset. Lies and Rol were both amazed by the beautiful sunset and made some pictures. The owners of the property had said they could park the camper van next to the home stead so they could make use of the sanitary. They also told Lies and Rol that they are nurturing a baby kangaroo and that they come over in the morning to give them a look. At the back of the house was a set up for a bonfire. As Barry made them a fire, Bryan cooked dinner. Lies and Rol could sit down warmly and enjoy the clear nightsky.

Day 2
In the morning Lies and Rol woke up and Bryan made them having breakfast in bed. He made a lovely mixture of milk, weetbix, banana and honey. In this way he prepared the girls for the activities during the day. The first activity was the instruction of the use of a bow and arrow. Lies and Rol enjoyed to shoot with a bow and arrow, a great experience and they weren't that bad at all either! Next they sat down in the sun at the bonfire and Bryan wanted to bake a bread in a pan in the dirt with coals underneath and on top. For this he had to dig a hole first. He managed all and Bryan and Rol made lunch next. Lunch included baked beans, eggs, toast, bacon and sausages. Njamnjam. After this lovely lunch they went for a bridal trail through the mountains. The weather was lovely, perfect for these kind of activities. The bridal trail had some steep and most of the time rocky surfaces. After Lies and Rol made some pictures Bryan discovered a cave a little bit more high up in the mountain. Rol said that we should go there to have a look. It was a hard and a little bit a frighting trail but eventually they made it to the cave. Bryan was already sitting in a different part of the cave so Lies and Rol decided to have a look there as well. It was a tiny cave so after a few minutes they decided to go back to the normal surface. It didn't come along without any scratches from plants and trees but everybody survived. Their hearts are still pounding :). During the track they made a lot of pictures and saw some kangaroos. In the end Lies made a slip in the dirt. Rol was laughing out loud but unfortunately only Lies's shoes and legs were a bit covered in dirt. The rest of her clothes were as clean as they could be. In the meantime Barry tried to hunt some rabbits because he couldn't do the bridal track with us. As Lies, Rol and Bryan made it back to the camper van Barry was already sitting there. He had had a nice sleep. They drove down to another rabbit hunting place and took the bows and arrows out. Rol saw a couple of rabbits and had a shot at one but unfortunately missed. All rabbits went into their holes and didn't really let them see again.... After a while they went back to the homestead to make dinner and had a sit in front of the bonfire. Later in the evening they all sat together in the camper van watching a movie.

Day 3
In the morning they all woke up early to chase rabbits before daylight. Bryan set up some traps so we could eat a fresh rabbit the next day. In the meantime Lies and Rol discovered 2 dead calves in the empty creek and saw some rabbits but they were to far away to shoot. Lies baked a fruit cake on the bonfire and Bryan had a next try for making a bread. As the first one was a bit burned. After the baking they drove up to the hills to chase some goats. The owner told them that would be the place to be for chasing goats. It was a good hiking track as they walked over rocks and had some steep trails. But unfortunately they didn't see any goats. On the way back to the camper van they saw emu eggs and Lies took one with her. We met Barry again at the camper van. He didn't shoot any animals as well. As they drove back to the home stead Bryan asked Lies and Rol if they wanted to have a cow photo shoot. Arggh why not! They stepped of board and made some nice shots! What a fun! When they passed one of the other camp sites they saw a bonfire set up and an other camper van. There was a guy walking up to them for a quick chat. The guy told them that there were camels passing through and that they were there to welcome everybody. They would have a 2 night stay so if we wanted to see them we could have a look in the morning. How awesome! After a lovely dinner they sat all together at the bonfire again and later on watched the movie: 'the theory of everything'. The movie is about the life of the genius Stephen Hawking and the fight against his ALS disease. Very impressing! Note: it was such a cold evening!!!!

Day 4
In the early morning Bryan got out to check the traps he set up last day. In the meantime the girls and Barry could have a sleep in. Bryan showed one naked rabbit later on and started to prepare him for the evening: rabbit stew for dinner. After the busy days they had they decided to have a bit of a lazy day. As they sat down all together at the bonfire they saw camels walking up to the homestead. Perfect! The girls and the boys had some quality time with these massive and proud animals before they all head out to an old house to set some more rabbit traps. On their way to the old house they saw a bunch of emu's and made a photostop. Bryan set up some traps at the old house before they head out to the home stead again. Lies baked two more breads which the girls could take with them on their roadtrip later on and Bryan made lunch 'toast and beans on the bonfire'. Later on one of the owners drove by with the baby kangaroo in the back. She asked the girls if they would like to babysit for a half an hour. And ofcourse they couldn't say no!!! A baby kangaroo in their arms! The mother died in a car crash so they named this baby boy 'Lucky'. After half an hour Rol decided to walk mount little. Bryan wanted to join in. Together they walked up to this 360 degrees scenery. The rabbit stew they had for dinner that day was so delicious! Cheers to Bryan! As it was a cold evening again they watched a movie in the camper van.

Day 5
The last day had arrived. Bryan and Barry had to check all the traps they set up the day before, before they could head out to Port Wakefield. It was an early wake up and such a cold morning. The girls stepped off the camper van and had tea's and showers in the home stead, put everything in the trailer and waited for 1,5 hours outside in the sun before the guys got back with only one rabbit!! Argh! Next the girls had their breakfast and Bryan and Barry packed their stuff. Around 10 o'clock the camping trip was history. They drove off to Port Wakefield. In Port Wakefield the girls moved their stuff in their car and drove off to Adelaide. There they had a 2 night's stay at the boyfriend of Joanne. The daughter of the owners of the farm where they lived for three months.

In Adelaide the girls went out for some shopping and tomorrow (24th of april) they head out to Port Sturt. There they have a sleep over at the man's place who gave the harnas driving workshop at the farm. They might ride horse over there.... Time will tell.

As the moment of today the girls are still laughing, smiling and happily together :). Story gets continued...

  • 04 Juni 2015 - 21:18


    Aaaaaaaaaah die baby kangaroo!! Te cute!! :)

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